Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Soul Mate

This photo was taken of Roger and I at the beach in mid July with our family, we love to go to the beach whenever we can, however for our anniversary we stayed close to home. My wish was to repair this gazebo for my birthday which was the first part of July and then for our anniversary I asked to have the lights put on and secured. I got my wish. It's amazing how time changes as you get older in our lives just the little things can mean so much. It is a nice place to be at. We have secured 39 years today and plan for many more and wish our children the same destiny.
I love the magic this gazebo brings to our yard and am ever so grateful for Roger restoring it and making it work again for me.
My magical lit gazebo a perfect ending to my day. Thank you Roger for being in my life. You are truly my soul mate.


  1. How Sweet ~ Your Gazebo, Your Soul Mate & You.... I'm always so Happy to hear stories like this and Pray for such Blessing one day for Myself! EnJoy Cheryl

  2. . . . now that's what matters most in life. Lovely tribute to your soul mate!


  3. Congratulations on your many years together. I love the gazebo with lights...

  4. Wow, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You two are a cute couple and wonderful inspiration. Love that lit up gazebo. For all holidays/gifts I ask my hubby for project help... As a contractor who works all day (in a good economy) on other's homes, he rarely wants to get his tools out here for me! ;-) But when he does, I REALLY appreciate it. Hope you sit n enjoy the stars w/a nice glass of wine under the pretty gazebo...

  5. awe, such a sweet post;) I have been with my wonderful spouse for 36 years. Congratulations, and you're right your gazebo seems like a magical place. If we can give anything to our kids, it's never give up. Thank you the reminder, of all we have to be grateful for, and for visiting me at Garden Party;)

  6. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary my friend! Your gazebo all lit up is beautiful, it really does become about the little things in life that mean more to us, doesn't it?
    Love to you...Lisa

  7. Oh Florence,
    It's beautiful! What a nice thing for Roger to do for you. I am with you about staying close to home, always have been a "homebody" and was given a rough time by my family for always wanting to stay home and work on a project. It's nice to get away but always, always, there's no place like home! Happy Anniversary to you & Roger.

  8. Hi Sweetie! Congrats, Florence, on a wonderful anniversary. Hope to see you tomorrow ... and later getting caught up on all your blog posts. (Hubby and I LOVE foxgloves!!) Hugs and see you soon! Betty :)


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