The lighted way, presents such a magical feeling, so I do include candles that are lit when company comes so that they know they are so very special to me.

Family is why I decorate, now that our girls are grown and married and have their families, I still think it is important to carry on the holiday spirit and decorate, perhaps a little different than when they were home, but none the less special. I love to come home and see the lights on the fence and walk way and then come into the house and just go

This snow man is so waiting for lots of snow to come his way. Today we got some, but nothing like we are used to getting, oh well we still have January and February and sometimes March. We will all have to wait and see.

I love the lighted garland on the fence, when it snows more it is so well worth the effort to put it out every year.

This grouping had a little dusting of snow, not much to count any inches from that was for sure.

A little Americana added to the porch is a perfect accent to the fir and cedar boughs along with the deer horns, even if they are upside down.

This was a new area for me to decorate, so I kept with a family theme here of both Roger and my self from our child hood era. I loved using the silver trees and garland with the sparkly snowflakes and lights, making everything twinkle.

This is just a closer look at what is on the shelf above, younger photos of Roger and I.

These red wool socks added to my country look.

You can see that I had fun using Roger's deer antlers to decorate with, it added to my country theme. He did have to help me set them up there correctly so that they antlers were in the right direction.

This was a fun grouping to put together, as I drew from things that I had and what I had just purchased, it bought it all together. The boy on Santa's lap is Roger and I am in the other photo holding a baby doll.

This alder bark basket is one that I treasure, my friend
Erin made it, it will always have a special place in my home.

These winter friends were made by my dear friend
Erin, I am gathering a great family from her gifting me these wonderful little non-melting snow people. My grandchildren were so
curious as to what they were, they were perfect for them to explore and check out.

This is a metal wire tree that I got that I have been able to change up the seasons with to decorate according to what holiday it is. It has crystals and some new ornaments that I got a
Monticello antique mall this season, with the lights it just made everything sparkle.

Crystals are always a part of my decor, this is especially a favorite of mine.

"Simplify" Um can Florence simply, not very easy. That is something that I very much need to do.

Shells, feathers glass and beads are all part of my collections enhanced by the Christmas balls.

This is a Santa collection that I have, most are made of
chalk ware made by an artist in the
Melino, Oregon area, as the years have gone by I have added different mediums of
Santa's, from carved to some really special ones that add to the collection.

A closer view of the
Santa collection.

These bears were ready for a good nights rest. The larger bears are ones that I made in the early 80's before the big bear boom emerge on the scene and took the market away from some of the speciality bears. They were called "
Muma Bears by Florence" it has been fun to run into some of them at antique shops and garage sales and do I buy them back, well yes of course. I hope you enjoyed this little journey with me. I had fun doing it. Florence