Sunday, February 26, 2012

Snowman Building

The perfect day, my grandsons, Kevin, Ashton and Jordan, along with their daddy came up to play in the snow. Yesterday we got 3 inches; as it would turn out the snow was perfect for building a snowman. It snowed while they were here, the sun came out and it just was perfect. Perhaps this will be our last snow of the season. Did you get to enjoy this last snowfall?
Jeremy started the process to make the snowman. Thank you Jeremy.
Kevin rolling a ball for the snowman. Good job Kevin. From here he was off to build a snow fort. I will share it next post.
Team effort from Jeremy and Roger to lift the second ball onto the snowman. Good job guys!
Ah the second ball is up on the base.
Roger putting the finishing touches on our snowman. Might handsome, I am thinking! We picked a carrot that was still in the garden bed. How fun was that?
Kevin, Ashton and Jordan making "Snow Angels" completing their fun day in the snow.


  1. We didn't get anywhere near the amount you did. Great that they had a chance to play in the snow!

  2. How fun! Last year for the first time in years we were able to build snowmen. It hasn't snowed locally in years. This winter is so warm it's almost like summer. Even the normally snowy areas of our mountain ranges are dry. Thanks for sharing your snow day!



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