Sunday, March 29, 2009

Garden Journals

Mary Janes Farm Girl chapter "Farm girls at Heart" gathered at my house to create their journals; to plan, prepare, and dream what our gardens could be. We cut, glued, decoupaged and shared stories and aspirations for the future. We wore our aprons and told the story behind each one. Erin made hers (I want to make one like it too) Katy bought hers, Robin's was from her father-n-law, his cobblers apron, mine was one that I bought when I went to the Sister's Oregon Quilt show last year. I felt like a little girl in mine because it felt so light and fluffy. It definitely was not intended for useful work, more for looks I think. We all aspire to make a cobbler's apron like Robins. Even my husband Roger wanted to know when he was getting his.
We will be on the hunt for bib overalls at the goodwill. Wish us luck. I also asked the girls to do a journal page from our last gathering, so we can keep a farm girl journal. Thanks to scanners we were able to copy every ones page and go home with four journal pages from our last gathering. We talked about a possible road trip, even pulling a trailer behind to haul our treasures home. What fun that could be. Katy knows how to pull a trailer behind a vehicle and I have the trailer so we have that covered. All in all our friendships and bonding continues.
Robin with her journal page from our last gathering
Katy with a great poem.
Here are the girls before lunch working on their garden journals, it was hard to stop and take time to eat. We were having too much fun.
I had so much fun using these vintage trays and pretty dishes.
Our lunch was served in the living room, it was casual but I wanted it to be special too. We had Italian Organic "Blood Orange" soda for our drink in pretty glasses.
Trader Joe's Spinach and Cheese Quiche on a pretty plate. Looks like a flower. How easy was that?
Asian Salad made by Erin, it was simply delicious. Thanks Erin
Barefoot Contessa muffins made by Robin brought in a cute pail with this pretty cloth.
Lemon Bars from Katy yummy!!!!!!!!
Katy likes color I think, I know she really likes hydrangeas and is eager to learn about planting a garden.
Erin's is clean and crisp, I love the entry way. She is the one to learn about plants from as she is the true gardener.
Robin seems to be all about everything being organized, I hope I can learn some hints from her.
I am dreaming of a blissful garden complete with flowers and vegetables to harvest.
Katy and Robin with their new pepper plant starts, good luck farm girls.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun group you girls have! I loved your pretty lunch, and that is a great picture of you Mom with your "Blissfull Garden" picture.


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